Saturday, March 15, 2008


Can one person make a difference and have a good time doing it? I believe so and so does Peter also known as {Matua}. This is what he is planning, Vespadition, a 30,000+ mile scooter journey through the United States and Canada to promote kindness, compassion and volunteerism.

This is a sight seeing trip and an example for all of us. He will begin April the first in New York City. He will be volunteering his time through out this great journey.

From his web site, Since Vespadition came to bear; I have been reluctant to make myself more visible than the journey itself. Vespadition and the reasons for it aren’t about me. They’re about the people it touches. I want Vespadition to be “the ride to promote kindness, compassion and volunteerism.” I don’t want Vespadition to be, “this guy who is riding around North America.”
People who hear about Vespadition should relate it to kindness, compassion and volunteerism.
Genuinely, I’m undertaking this journey to promote kindness, compassion and volunteerism. I’m doing it to show as many people as possible that anyone can be kind, anyone can be compassionate, anyone can volunteer. And they needn’t leave their hometown to do it, either.
I want to inspire people to reach-out to their neighbors. Not the neighbors they know, but the ones they don’t know. I want to inspire people to stop by ‘that soup kitchen‘they’re always passing by. I want to inspire people to do ‘that thing‘they’ve ‘always wished they could do.’
Moreover, I’m doing Vespadition because I’m personally tired of talking-the-talk without walking-the-walk. I’m fed up with watching things happen and complaining about them without doing anything meaningful to change it. I’m doing it because I’m tired of being sad at the sight of some of the things I see going on in this world. I’m doing it because I’ve decided simply that I must.

I hope things work out and I am able to meet up with Peter when he comes through.

To make this trip a success Matua needs our support if you go to Vespadition you will see the link to chip in, all donations of ten dollars or more will be entered into a drawing for some very cool prizes the drawing closes on March 24, 2008.

Here is the link to his site

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

30K on a scooter. Now that's impressive!