Friday, October 12, 2007

Cool Weather Part 2

The biggest thing I have noticed with riding in the cool weather, daytime temperature of 60 or less, is that as the temperature falls my fuel mileage go's down. I have checked all the thing such as tire pressure, oil level, and air filter all of these are good or within limits, so its not that. As a plus I do get my power, not that I can prove it with a dyno., but my acceleration is better. I believe this is due to colder air being more dense, meaning that it has more oxygen per volume than warmer air, the down side is the fuel is cooler so it doesn't atomize as well.
I do enjoy riding in the cooler weather, but caution must be advised, the days are shorter, and we have more rain this time of the year. At night the man hole covers blend in really well especially if wet. So lets all be careful and enjoy this time of year.

1 comment:

Jeremy Z said...

That's a good point about the fuel economy too. I notice the higher performance, but I haven't noticed the higher fuel consumption. I guess I don't look as closely though. Hitting a manhole cover in the dark, in the rain, halfway through a turn can be really bad.