Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Cooler Weather Part 1

One of my co-workers told me his girl friend asked if I was still riding "That Scooter" as she called it. He told that I was still riding, she said I was insane. I can see her point, it is cooler and the rain has started to fall up here, but I only stop riding when there is ice on the road.One thing I have noticed, due to the cooler weather the cruisers are thinning out, going to work I used to pass 12 to 15 now lately I am only seeing 5 or 6, maybe they don't want to polish all that chrome again and again due to rain. That's not a problem when you ride a scooter that has allot of plastic body work, it's just wash it and let it drip dry.


Jeremy Z said...

That's a good point about washing scooters; one that I didn't realize until I had one. I don't dread getting caught in the rain so much any more.

Jeremy Z said...

Oh, one other thing too. You, being a big guy, are better insulated against the cold than many folks are. It has its advantages. ;)